Measurement and Attribution

Performance Marketing Demands Accurate Analytics and Measurement

Good data is the bedrock of effective digital marketing campaigns. ADM’s Data and Analytics team ensures you get the insights you need to see the full picture and optimize accordingly.


“ADM’s reporting acumen is truly impressive. Their keen eye for detail and deep understanding of digital media analytics enables them to provide insightful and actionable reports that help us make informed decisions.”

Delamon Rego

Your Performance Marketing Data Experts

Some digital marketing agencies are perfectly happy to rely on platform-based measurement tools and cursory reports. ADM knows that to get the best results, you need to go deeper. Our team covers all your bases, from initial setup to ongoing maintenance and comprehensive reporting.

Conversion Tracking Based on Your Advertising Goals

We work with each client to learn what user actions matter most for their business goals, whether their ad spend is producing the results they’re looking for, and to identify opportunities to grow revenue across their digital channels.

  • Ad Tracking Implementation
  • Platform Conversion Audits
  • Client and Server-side GTM Audits and Management
  • Full-Funnel Conversion Tracking
  • Custom Site Conversion Implementation

Trusted Analytics Implementation

Our performance marketing agency was built on our Google Ads and Google Analytics expertise. We address every intricacy of GA4 to turn it into a valid source of truth for your data-driven organic and paid media strategies.

  • GA4 Implementation and Troubleshooting
  • GA4 Audits
  • Attribution Pipeline Testing and QA
  • On-Site and In-App Tracking
  • Analytics Data Migration
  • Additional Analytics Platforms Supported

Google Analytics expertise

Marketing Data Visualization for the Big Picture

ADM’s work is never a black box. We build custom comprehensive dashboards that aggregate data across paid media channels—including search engine marketing, paid social media, and programmatic—to detect trends and inform media buying decisions.

  • Cross-Channel Dashboards and Insights
  • Custom Dimensions and Metrics
  • Online and Offline Reporting
  • CRM and Database Connections

Actionable Performance Marketing Strategy and Planning

Good data, accurate measurement, and robust analytics are useless if the information isn’t actionable. Whether we’re analyzing audience data to model user behavior or investigating competitive trends, our performance marketing strategies rely on turning observations into action. 

  • Quarterly Business Reviews
  • Customer Lifetime Value Modeling
  • Budget Pacing and Forecasting
  • User Behavior Analysis
  • Attribution Comparisons
  • Lift Test Analysis
  • Industry and Competitor Research

Compliant Data Collection and Measurement

It’s essential to ensure you’re collecting and using data in compliant ways—particularly for brands that work in sensitive industries, like our many healthcare clients. In addition to our digital marketing services, we keep our clients up-to-date with the latest legal changes and platform policies.

In situations where there are privacy or compliance inadequacies, we develop actionable recommendations to address any compliance gaps or weaknesses. This can include referring business partners that offer technical solutions necessary to bolster your compliance and privacy frameworks.

  • HIPAA Compliance Audits for health clients
  • Tagging & Platform Privacy Analysis
  • Specialized Compliance Partner Referrals


ADM partners with leading digital marketing tools and services to add further value for our clients.

Measurement and Analytics Insights From Our Team

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Other Services

Reach the right people at the right time. Our social experts deploy vivid creatives and expert audience targeting to build campaigns that connect and convert.


Our programmatic team expertly places banners, native content, streaming video, podcast advertising and more to weave your message into the content your customers already enjoy.


The ADM story begins with our ADM expertise. See how we leverage Google Ads and other PPC platforms to deliver unrivaled paid search results.

Let’s work together.

Get in touch with our team today to see how we can take your marketing to the next level.

Let’s see how we can work together